 Markus Schnitzler
 © 2025ImprintTerms of use
 Information in English


Markus Schnitzler


 MSchnitzler2000 ♦ Information in English

  MSchnitzler2000 – Markus Schnitzler
Castle Burgau in Düren-NiederauAutobiography

Things to know about me
me dressed as a Moskito Sports

Volleyball and beach volleyball
Sprache Media

News, media, podcasts, Youtube, language, Raab
my private libraryCollected

Books, films, topics, quotes
Stefanie Heinzmann Music

Stefanie Heinzmann, Jenix and Silbermond
ImprintTerms of usePrivacy policy
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Tuesday, February, 11 2025 – 15:02
Information in English© 2025
Markus Schnitzler

MSchnitzler2000 ♦ Information in English

 MSchnitzler2000 ♦ Information in English

Markus SchnitzlerMarkus Schnitzler
Welcome to MSchnitzler2000! Thank you for your interest in my personal website!
My name is Markus Schnitzler. I'm 45 years old and I live in Düren, a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. In 2005, I graduated from university with the degree Magister Artium (MA) in German philology. Now I work as in several jobs as a texter in an internet company, in the online office of the local newspaper and as a tutor. I combined my interests in writing and the internet to create this website.

 Content of my website

At the top of the page, you can see the topics of my website. The imprint and the terms of use are available in English. I cannot provide a complete English version of my website, because it would be too much work to keep it up-to-date. But I want to give you a short summary here. On the top of each (German language) page, you find a link "English Translation", which leads you to an automated Google translation of the page. Of course, this is not an exact translation, but it gives you a general impression.

 Autobiography (Autobiografisches)

Schloss Burgau in Düren-NiederauSchloss Burgau in Düren-Niederau
This is my self portrait. I give you some insights into my personal life and I tell you something about my career and jobs. I present my home town Düren. In my blog "Kein Blatt" I write down my thoughts and ideas. Furthermore I ask you to support social projects like blood donation.

 Sports (Sportliches)

me in Moskito outfitme in Moskito outfit
Volleyball is my passion in sports. I support the German Bundesliga team SWD Powervolleys Düren. I try to get more attention to the most beautiful sport. I also like the sports in the sand: beach volleyball.

 Media (Mediales)

The internet keeps us up-to-date on all events worldwide. I show you some regional and global news feeds. Furthermore, I have some information about the media who produce the news. I like to listen to podcasts and I follow some informative Youtube channels. As you know from my biography, I have studied linguistics. Language is a very interesting topics and I give you a short introduction for German, English, Latin and my dialect Kölsch. I also provide some information about the shows of German entertainer Stefan Raab.

 Collected (Gesammeltes)

my librarymy library
I read a lot and I own three shelfs full of books. Novels are in my library as well as nonfiction books. My collection of films is also quite large. I prefer thrillers, historical stuff and comedies. On the page "Wissenswertes" (worth knowing) I present information on other important topics like climate change and digitalisation. If you are interested in some intelligent statements, take a look at my collection of quotes.

 Music (Musikalisches)

Stefanie HeinzmannStefanie Heinzmann
The young Swiss singer Stefanie Heinzmann combines excellent music and a very amiable personality. She's one of my favorites in music business and I follow her since she won a casting show. Some time ago I saw a concert of the East German band Jenix, who got me at once. The successful German band Silbermond is also one of my top favourites.

  Social Media and Web 2.0

Follow me also on these websites: Instagram, Mastodon and Wikipedia (all links are external). You always see these links to my profiles in the upper right edge of the header.
InstagramInstagram MastodonMastodon WikipediaWikipedia

  My Blogs

Besides my website I write two blogs in German language. In my blog „Kein Blatt“ (an ambiguous title) I write about everything which appears to me in my everyday life. „Erlebnis Sprache“ (Experience language) is about phenomena concerning language.
Blog Kein Blatt Erlebnis Sprache Blog Blog Kein Blatt Erlebnis Sprache Blog

Thank you for your interest!
Markus Schnitzler